Blood of christ flower new zealand

You're referring to the "Blood of Christ" flower, also known as the "Kowhai" (Sophora microphylla)!

The Kowhai is a small, yellow-flowered tree native to New Zealand. Its flowers are a bright, vibrant yellow, which is where it gets its nickname "Blood of Christ" from. The name is thought to have been given by early European settlers, who were reminded of the blood of Christ when they saw the bright yellow flowers.

In Maori culture, the Kowhai is considered a sacred tree, and its flowers are often used in traditional ceremonies and rituals. The Maori people believe that the Kowhai has spiritual significance, and its flowers are said to have healing properties.

The Kowhai is also an important part of New Zealand's natural heritage, and is often found growing in native forests and along streams. It's a popular ornamental tree in gardens and parks, and is also used in traditional Maori crafts and art.

So, there you have it! The "Blood of Christ" flower, a beautiful and significant part of New Zealand's natural and cultural heritage.