Blogs for news industry news

Here are some popular blogs that cover news industry news:

  1. Nieman Lab: A blog from the Nieman Foundation for Journalism at Harvard, covering the latest trends and innovations in digital journalism.
  2. Poynter: A leading journalism think tank and training organization, with a blog that covers news industry news, trends, and best practices.
  3. The News Frontier: A blog from the University of Missouri's Reynolds Journalism Institute, covering the latest developments in digital journalism and the news industry.
  4. MediaShift: A blog from the Center for Innovation and Sustainability in Local Media, covering the intersection of technology, business, and culture in the news industry.
  5. The Guardian's Media Network: A blog from The Guardian, covering the latest news and trends in the media industry, including journalism, publishing, and technology.
  6. The Columbia Journalism Review: A blog from the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism, covering the latest news and trends in journalism, including industry news and analysis.
  7. The blog: A blog from, covering the latest news and trends in journalism, including industry news, best practices, and innovation.
  8. The Digital Journalism blog: A blog from the University of Texas at Austin's Moody College of Communication, covering the latest developments in digital journalism and the news industry.
  9. The Knight Blog: A blog from the Knight Foundation, covering the latest news and trends in journalism, including industry news, innovation, and philanthropy.
  10. The WAN-IFRA blog: A blog from the World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers, covering the latest news and trends in the global newspaper industry.
  11. The INMA blog: A blog from the International News Media Association, covering the latest news and trends in the global news media industry.
  12. The MPA - The Association of Magazine Media blog: A blog from the Magazine Publishers of America, covering the latest news and trends in the magazine industry.
  13. The NAA - Newspaper Association of America blog: A blog from the Newspaper Association of America, covering the latest news and trends in the newspaper industry.
  14. The ASNE - American Society of News Editors blog: A blog from the American Society of News Editors, covering the latest news and trends in the news industry, including journalism, ethics, and best practices.
  15. The SPJ - Society of Professional Journalists blog: A blog from the Society of Professional Journalists, covering the latest news and trends in journalism, including industry news, ethics, and best practices.

These blogs are a great resource for staying up-to-date on the latest news and trends in the news industry.