Block breaker 3 game free download for pc

A classic game! Here are a few options to download Block Breaker 3 for PC:

Option 1: Official Website

You can download Block Breaker 3 from the official website of its developer, Gameloft. Here's how:

  1. Go to the Gameloft website (
  2. Click on "Games" and then "Puzzle" to find Block Breaker 3.
  3. Click on the game's icon to go to its download page.
  4. Click on the "Download" button to download the game.
  5. Run the installer and follow the installation instructions.

Option 2: Steam

Block Breaker 3 is also available on Steam, a popular digital distribution platform for PC games. Here's how to download it:

  1. Go to the Steam website (
  2. Search for "Block Breaker 3" in the Steam store.
  3. Click on the game's icon to go to its store page.
  4. Click on the "Play" button to download and install the game.
  5. Run the game from your Steam library.

Option 3: Alternative Download Sites

If you're unable to download the game from the official website or Steam, you can try alternative download sites like:

  1. Softonic (
  2. FileHippo (
  3. CNET Download (

Please note that downloading games from alternative sites may pose some risks, such as malware or viruses. Make sure to download from reputable sources and scan the downloaded file with an antivirus program before installing.

System Requirements

Before downloading and installing Block Breaker 3, make sure your PC meets the system requirements:

Enjoy playing Block Breaker 3 on your PC.