Block breaker 1

A classic!

Here's a simple text-based Block Breaker game:

Your Goal: Break all the blocks on the screen by bouncing a ball with your paddle.

Game State:

Your Paddle: Move your paddle left or right using the arrow keys.


  1. Hit the ball with your paddle to make it bounce.
  2. The ball will bounce off the blocks and walls.
  3. If the ball hits a block, it will break and disappear.
  4. If the ball hits the bottom of the screen, you lose a life.
  5. If you break all the blocks, you win!

Let's Start!

Here's the initial game state:

  |          |  |
  |  Paddle  |  |
  |          |  |
  |          |  |
  |  Ball    |  |
  |          |  |
  |  Block 1 |  Block 2 |  Block 3 |  Block 4 |  Block 5 |

Your paddle is at the bottom of the screen, and the ball is at the top. Move your paddle left or right using the arrow keys to hit the ball.