Blind experiment what would you do viral video

What a fascinating idea! A blind experiment that goes viral could be a thrilling and entertaining concept. Here's a potential idea:

Title: "The Mysterious Box Challenge"

Concept: A group of strangers are invited to participate in a blind experiment where they're given a mysterious box with no instructions or clues. The box contains a series of challenges that require them to use their senses, creativity, and problem-solving skills to overcome obstacles.

The Experiment:

  1. Each participant is given a box with a unique combination lock.
  2. They're told that the box contains a series of challenges that will test their skills, but they're not given any information about what's inside.
  3. The participants are given a set amount of time (e.g., 30 minutes) to figure out how to open the box and complete the challenges.
  4. As they work on the challenges, they're recorded on camera, and their reactions and interactions are captured.
  5. The challenges are designed to be increasingly difficult, requiring the participants to think creatively and use their senses to overcome obstacles.

The Viral Twist:

  1. The participants are not told that they're being recorded for a viral video.
  2. The video is edited to focus on the most entertaining and surprising moments, with a narrative that builds suspense and curiosity.
  3. The video is released online, and the public is encouraged to guess what's inside the box and how the participants will overcome the challenges.
  4. As the video gains traction, the participants are revealed, and their reactions to the challenges are shared online.

Potential Viral Moments:

  1. A participant accidentally breaks the box, and they have to figure out how to fix it.
  2. Someone discovers a hidden compartment that contains a surprise challenge.
  3. A participant uses an unconventional method to solve a challenge, such as using their sense of smell to detect a hidden clue.
  4. A group of participants work together to overcome a challenge, leading to a heartwarming moment of teamwork and camaraderie.

Hashtag Campaign:

  1. Launch a hashtag campaign (e.g., #MysteriousBoxChallenge) to encourage viewers to share their own theories and reactions to the video.
  2. Encourage participants to share their own experiences and reactions on social media.
  3. Offer prizes or recognition for the most creative or entertaining theories or reactions.

Potential Partnerships:

  1. Partner with popular social media influencers or content creators to promote the video and encourage their followers to participate.
  2. Collaborate with educational institutions or organizations to promote STEM education and problem-solving skills.
  3. Partner with brands or companies that align with the values of creativity, innovation, and problem-solving.

Potential Revenue Streams:

  1. Advertising revenue from the video and related content.
  2. Sponsored content and product placements.
  3. Merchandise sales (e.g., t-shirts, hats, or other items with the #MysteriousBoxChallenge logo).
  4. Licensing the video and concept to other media outlets or companies.

The Mysterious Box Challenge has the potential to go viral by combining elements of surprise, curiosity, and entertainment. By leveraging social media and encouraging user-generated content, the video can create a sense of community and engagement around the experiment.