Blessed tansi catholic church new benin

Blessed Tansi Catholic Church, New Benin!

Here's some information about the church:

Location: Blessed Tansi Catholic Church is located in New Benin, a suburb of Benin City, Edo State, Nigeria.

History: The church was founded in the 1980s and was named after Blessed Cyprian Michael Iwene Tansi, a Nigerian Catholic priest and martyr who was beatified by Pope John Paul II in 1998.

Architecture: The church is a beautiful example of modern Catholic architecture, with a striking design that blends traditional Nigerian elements with modern features. The church has a large seating capacity and is equipped with modern amenities, including a sound system, air conditioning, and a large parking lot.

Services: The church offers daily Masses, Sunday Masses, and other spiritual activities, including confession, adoration, and prayer meetings. The church also has a vibrant choir and a variety of ministries, including a youth ministry, a women's ministry, and a men's ministry.

Community: Blessed Tansi Catholic Church is a vibrant and active community of faithful Catholics who come together to worship, serve, and build each other up in their faith. The church is known for its warm hospitality and welcoming atmosphere, making it a popular destination for visitors and pilgrims.

Notable Events: The church hosts various events throughout the year, including the annual Feast of Blessed Cyprian Michael Iwene Tansi, which attracts pilgrims from all over Nigeria and beyond. The church also hosts retreats, conferences, and other spiritual activities that cater to the needs of its members and the wider community.

Overall, Blessed Tansi Catholic Church, New Benin is a beautiful and vibrant Catholic community that is dedicated to spreading the Gospel and serving the needs of its members and the wider community.