Blblical characters thst exercisd dominion in the new testament

Here are some biblical characters who exercised dominion in the New Testament:

  1. Jesus Christ: As the Son of God, Jesus exercised dominion over all creation, including the spiritual and physical realms. He demonstrated His dominion through His miracles, teachings, and ultimate sacrifice on the cross.
  2. Peter: As one of Jesus' closest disciples, Peter was given a special role in the early Christian church. He was the first to recognize Jesus as the Messiah and was given the keys to the kingdom of heaven (Matthew 16:18-19). He exercised dominion over the early church, leading the apostles and guiding the church in its early years.
  3. Paul: As a former Pharisee and one of the most influential apostles, Paul exercised dominion over the Gentile (non-Jewish) churches. He wrote many of the New Testament epistles, including Romans, Corinthians, and Galatians, and played a key role in spreading the gospel to the Gentile world.
  4. John the Baptist: As the forerunner to Jesus, John the Baptist exercised dominion over the wilderness, preaching repentance and baptizing those who came to him (Matthew 3:1-6). He also exercised dominion over the Pharisees and Sadducees, rebuking them for their hypocrisy (Matthew 3:7-12).
  5. Stephen: As one of the first deacons of the early Christian church, Stephen exercised dominion over the Jewish synagogue, preaching boldly and courageously despite persecution (Acts 6:8-15). He was eventually martyred for his faith, but his legacy continued to inspire others.
  6. Philip: As one of the seven deacons, Philip exercised dominion over the Gentile church in Samaria, preaching the gospel and performing miracles (Acts 8:4-40). He also exercised dominion over the Ethiopian eunuch, leading him to faith in Christ (Acts 8:26-40).
  7. Barnabas: As a leader in the early Christian church, Barnabas exercised dominion over the church in Antioch, helping to establish the church and appointing Paul as its leader (Acts 11:22-26). He also exercised dominion over the Gentile churches, accompanying Paul on his missionary journeys (Acts 13:1-3).
  8. Timothy: As a young pastor and companion to Paul, Timothy exercised dominion over the church in Ephesus, leading the church and guiding its growth (1 Timothy 1:1-2, 2 Timothy 1:1-2). He also exercised dominion over the church in Thessalonica, writing letters to the church and encouraging its members (1 Thessalonians 1:1, 2 Thessalonians 1:1).

These individuals, among others, exercised dominion in the New Testament by spreading the gospel, establishing churches, and guiding the early Christian community.