Blasphemy angry youths stage protest over song against prophet in kano

It appears that there has been a protest in Kano, Nigeria, over a song that is perceived to be blasphemous towards the Prophet Muhammad. Here's a summary of the situation:

Protest in Kano over song perceived as blasphemous

A group of angry youths in Kano, Nigeria, have staged a protest over a song that is believed to be blasphemous towards the Prophet Muhammad. The song, which has been circulating on social media, is said to contain lyrics that are offensive to Islam and the Prophet.


The song, which is reportedly by a Nigerian artist, has been widely condemned by Muslims in the country. Many have taken to social media to express their outrage and disgust at the perceived blasphemy.


The angry youths, who are mostly students and young adults, gathered in the city center to protest against the song. They carried placards and chanted slogans, demanding that the government take action against the artist and the song.


The protesters are demanding that the government:

  1. Ban the song and arrest the artist
  2. Take action against those who are promoting the song
  3. Ensure that the rights of Muslims are protected

Government Response

The Kano State Government has condemned the song and promised to take action against those responsible. The government has also urged calm and called on Muslims to remain peaceful.


The protest has sparked a heated debate on social media, with many Nigerians expressing their opinions on the issue. Some have called for the government to take action against the artist, while others have argued that freedom of speech should be respected.


The protest in Kano highlights the sensitivity of religious issues in Nigeria and the need for tolerance and understanding. While the government has condemned the song and promised to take action, it is essential that all parties involved remain peaceful and avoid violence.