Blame pdp government for nigerias woes says okorocha

It seems like a familiar refrain!

According to a report by Vanguard, Rochas Okorocha, a former Governor of Imo State and a chieftain of the All Progressives Congress (APC), has blamed the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) government for Nigeria's woes.

Okorocha, who is also a senator, made this statement while speaking at a rally in Imo State, where he accused the PDP of mismanaging the country's resources and causing the current economic crisis.

He reportedly said: "The PDP government is responsible for the woes of Nigeria. They mismanaged the resources of this country and caused the economic crisis we are facing today."

Okorocha's statement is not surprising, given the political rivalry between the APC and PDP. However, it's worth noting that both parties have been accused of corruption and mismanagement of resources during their respective tenures in power.

It's also important to acknowledge that Nigeria's problems are complex and multifaceted, and cannot be attributed to a single party or government. Addressing the country's challenges will require a collaborative effort from all stakeholders, including politicians, civil society, and the private sector.

What do you think about Okorocha's statement? Do you agree or disagree with his assessment?