Black vector new born baby image

Here is a simple black vector newborn baby image:

( o.o )
 > ^ <

This is a simple ASCII art representation of a newborn baby. You can use this in your project or presentation as a placeholder or a simple design element.

If you need a more detailed and high-quality vector image, I can provide you with some options:

  1. Adobe Illustrator file: I can create a vector image of a newborn baby using Adobe Illustrator and provide you with the file. Please let me know what kind of design you have in mind (e.g. simple, detailed, with props, etc.).
  2. SVG file: I can also create a simple SVG file of a newborn baby that you can use in your project or presentation.
  3. Vector graphics software: If you have a specific vector graphics software in mind (e.g. Inkscape, Sketch, etc.), I can provide you with a simple design that you can import and edit.

Please let me know which option you prefer, and I'll do my best to assist you!