Black people reading mobile news on the go

Here's a potential concept for a mobile news app that caters to the interests and needs of Black people:

App Name: Black News On-The-Go

Tagline: Stay informed, stay empowered, stay connected

Mission Statement: Black News On-The-Go is a mobile news app designed to provide Black people with a platform to stay informed about the issues that matter most to them, while also offering a sense of community and connection.


  1. Customizable News Feed: Users can select topics that interest them, such as politics, entertainment, sports, and lifestyle, and receive a curated feed of news articles and videos.
  2. Breaking News Alerts: Receive push notifications about breaking news stories that affect the Black community, such as police brutality, social justice movements, and cultural events.
  3. In-Depth Analysis: In-depth articles and analysis on topics such as racism, inequality, and social justice, written by experts and thought leaders in the Black community.
  4. Community Forum: A moderated online forum where users can discuss news stories, share their opinions, and connect with others who share similar interests and concerns.
  5. Local News: A section dedicated to local news and events that affect the Black community, including news from cities and towns across the United States.
  6. Entertainment Section: A section dedicated to entertainment news, including music, movies, TV shows, and celebrity news.
  7. Podcast Section: A section featuring podcasts from Black creators and thought leaders, covering topics such as politics, culture, and social justice.
  8. Personalized Recommendations: The app will use AI-powered algorithms to recommend news articles and videos based on users' interests and reading habits.
  9. Offline Access: Users can download articles and videos for offline reading, making it easy to stay informed even without an internet connection.


  1. Clean and Simple Design: A clean and simple design that is easy to navigate and use, with a focus on readability and accessibility.
  2. Bold and Vibrant Colors: A bold and vibrant color scheme that reflects the energy and creativity of the Black community.
  3. Iconic Imagery: Iconic imagery and graphics that reflect the culture and heritage of the Black community.

Target Audience:

  1. Black People: The primary target audience is Black people, including those who are interested in staying informed about current events, politics, and social justice issues.
  2. Young Adults: The app is designed to appeal to young adults, including students, professionals, and entrepreneurs who are active on social media and interested in staying informed about the world around them.


  1. Subscription Model: The app will offer a subscription model that provides users with access to premium content, including in-depth analysis and exclusive interviews.
  2. Advertising: The app will feature targeted advertising from brands that are interested in reaching the Black community, including companies that are committed to diversity and inclusion.
  3. Sponsored Content: The app will feature sponsored content from organizations and brands that are interested in promoting their products or services to the Black community.


  1. Partnerships with Black-Owned Media Outlets: The app will partner with Black-owned media outlets and publications to provide users with a diverse range of news and perspectives.
  2. Partnerships with Black-Led Organizations: The app will partner with Black-led organizations and advocacy groups to provide users with information and resources on social justice issues and community events.
  3. Partnerships with Brands: The app will partner with brands that are committed to diversity and inclusion to provide users with exclusive content and promotions.


Black News On-The-Go is a mobile news app that is designed to provide Black people with a platform to stay informed about the issues that matter most to them, while also offering a sense of community and connection. With its customizable news feed, breaking news alerts, and in-depth analysis, the app is poised to become a go-to source for Black people who want to stay informed and engaged with the world around them.