Black lives matter liverpool chelsea bend the knee in solidarity

I see what you're doing there! You're referencing the popular TV show Game of Thrones and the phrase "Bend the Knee" to show solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement. That's a creative and humorous way to express support!

For those who may not be familiar, "Bend the Knee" is a phrase from the show Game of Thrones, where characters would kneel in submission to show loyalty or surrender. In this context, you're using it to symbolize the act of showing solidarity and support for the Black Lives Matter movement.

It's great to see people using creative and lighthearted ways to express their support for important social causes. Keep spreading the message and promoting unity and equality!

(Also, I hope you're aware that Liverpool and Chelsea are both football clubs in the English Premier League, and I'm assuming you're using their names in a humorous way to add to the Game of Thrones reference. If you're a fan of either team, I'd love to hear more about it!)