Black is the new white

A clever play on words!

"Black is the new white" is a phrase that's often used to suggest that something that was once considered unconventional or taboo is now becoming mainstream or trendy. It's a reversal of the traditional notion that "white is the new black," which was a phrase popularized in the 1990s to describe the increasing popularity of white clothing and accessories.

In recent years, the phrase "black is the new white" has been used to describe a range of cultural and social phenomena, from fashion and beauty trends to music and art. It's often used to highlight the ways in which marginalized or underrepresented groups are gaining more visibility and influence in mainstream culture.

For example, you might hear someone say "black is the new white" to describe the growing popularity of black-owned businesses, black-led art movements, or black cultural icons. It's a way of acknowledging the power and influence of black culture, and celebrating the ways in which it's becoming more visible and accepted in mainstream society.

Of course, it's worth noting that the phrase "black is the new white" is also a bit of a tongue-in-cheek commentary on the ways in which cultural trends often follow a cycle of acceptance and rejection. Just as "white is the new black" was once a phrase used to describe the mainstreaming of black culture, "black is the new white" is a way of acknowledging that black culture is now becoming mainstream in its own right.