Black gay pride new orleans

Black Gay Pride New Orleans (BGPNO) is an annual event that celebrates the LGBTQ+ community, particularly the black gay community, in New Orleans. The event is held in June, which is Pride Month, and features a series of events, including a parade, parties, and a festival.

The first Black Gay Pride New Orleans event was held in 2006, and it was organized by a group of local black gay men who wanted to create a space where they could celebrate their identity and connect with other members of the community. Since then, the event has grown in popularity and has become a major part of the city's LGBTQ+ calendar.

The event is designed to be a celebration of black gay culture and identity, and it features a range of activities and events that reflect this. These include:

BGPNO is also a fundraiser for local organizations that support the LGBTQ+ community, including the NO/AIDS Task Force and the Crescent City Pride Foundation.

Overall, Black Gay Pride New Orleans is a unique and important event that celebrates the diversity and resilience of the black gay community in New Orleans. It is a time for people to come together, celebrate their identity, and connect with others who share their experiences and struggles.