Black gay bars new orleans

New Orleans is known for its vibrant LGBTQ+ community and has a variety of black gay bars and clubs that cater to the city's African American LGBTQ+ population. Here are some popular black gay bars in New Orleans:

  1. The Bayou Boogie Lounge: Located in the French Quarter, this bar is a popular spot for black gay men and women to socialize and dance to R&B and hip-hop music.
  2. The Phoenix: This bar is located in the Marigny neighborhood and is known for its drag shows and karaoke nights. It's a popular spot for black gay men and women to let loose and have fun.
  3. The Corner Pocket: Located in the Treme neighborhood, this bar is a popular spot for black gay men and women to play pool, watch sports, and socialize.
  4. The Bulldog: This bar is located in the Marigny neighborhood and is known for its laid-back atmosphere and live music performances. It's a popular spot for black gay men and women to relax and enjoy a drink.
  5. The Hideaway: Located in the French Quarter, this bar is a popular spot for black gay men and women to socialize and dance to R&B and hip-hop music.
  6. The Crescent City Bar: Located in the French Quarter, this bar is a popular spot for black gay men and women to socialize and enjoy live music performances.
  7. The New Orleans Eagle: Located in the Bywater neighborhood, this bar is a popular spot for black gay men and women to socialize and enjoy live music performances.

It's worth noting that while these bars are popular among black gay men and women, they are not exclusively black gay bars and are welcoming to people of all races and genders.