Black face diss 2face in new song

It seems like there's been a controversy brewing in the Nigerian music industry!

According to reports, Black Face, a former member of the popular music group Plantashun Boiz, has released a new song that appears to diss his former bandmate, 2Face Idibia.

In the song, Black Face is said to be addressing some perceived wrongs and grievances he has against 2Face, including claims of betrayal and disrespect. The lyrics are reportedly quite harsh, with Black Face calling out 2Face for allegedly abandoning him and their group.

This isn't the first time the two have had a public feud. Back in 2007, Black Face accused 2Face of stealing his song and using it as his own. The dispute eventually led to the breakup of Plantashun Boiz.

It's worth noting that 2Face has yet to respond to the diss track, but fans are already divided on the issue. Some are supporting Black Face's decision to speak his mind, while others are defending 2Face and calling the diss track a cheap publicity stunt.

What do you think about this whole situation? Should artists be able to speak their minds and address perceived wrongs, or is this just a case of petty beef?