Bitcoinnect new logo

A new logo for Bitcoinnect!

Here's a potential design concept:

Logo Design:

The logo features a stylized combination of a Bitcoin symbol () and a connection node (represented by a circle). The design aims to convey the idea of connecting people and ideas through the power of blockchain technology.

Color Scheme:



Logo Variations:

To ensure flexibility, I've created a few logo variations:

  1. Primary Logo: This is the main logo with the icon and logotype.
  2. Icon-Only Logo: This is the standalone icon, which can be used for social media profiles, app icons, or other small-scale applications.
  3. Text-Only Logo: This is the logotype without the icon, which can be used for situations where a more minimalist approach is needed.

Logo Rationale:

The new logo for Bitcoinnect aims to:

  1. Emphasize the connection between people and ideas in the blockchain community.
  2. Represent the core focus on cryptocurrency and blockchain technology.
  3. Provide a modern, professional, and recognizable visual identity for the brand.

I hope you like the design concept!