Bishop ozubulu news

Bishop Johnson Suleman Ozubulu is a Nigerian pastor and the founder of the Light of the World Christian Ministry, a Pentecostal church based in Anambra State, Nigeria. He has been in the news several times due to various controversies and incidents. Here are some of the notable news stories related to Bishop Ozubulu:

  1. Assassination attempt: In 2017, Bishop Ozubulu was shot and injured in an assassination attempt at his church in Umudim, Nnewi, Anambra State. The attack was reportedly carried out by a group of armed men who stormed the church during a service.
  2. Family feud: In 2018, Bishop Ozubulu's family was embroiled in a bitter feud over the ownership of the church. His wife, Ebelechukwu Ozubulu, and his children accused him of mismanaging the church's funds and trying to take control of the church from them.
  3. Fraud allegations: In 2019, Bishop Ozubulu was accused of fraud by some members of his church who claimed that he had embezzled millions of naira from the church's coffers. The allegations led to a police investigation, but no charges were filed against the bishop.
  4. Property dispute: In 2020, Bishop Ozubulu was involved in a property dispute with his wife, who claimed that he had sold a property belonging to the church without her knowledge or consent. The dispute led to a court case, which is still ongoing.
  5. COVID-19 pandemic: During the COVID-19 pandemic, Bishop Ozubulu was criticized for his church's decision to continue holding services despite government restrictions on large gatherings. He argued that his church was a place of worship and that people needed spiritual guidance during the pandemic.
  6. Controversial statements: Bishop Ozubulu has been known to make controversial statements on various issues, including politics and social issues. In 2020, he sparked controversy by saying that the Nigerian government was not doing enough to address the country's economic challenges.

These are just a few examples of the news stories related to Bishop Ozubulu. As a public figure, he is often in the news due to his controversial statements and actions, as well as the controversies surrounding his church and family.