Bishop ozubulu latest news

Bishop Valentine Obinna Ozumba, also known as Bishop Ozubulu, is a Nigerian Catholic bishop who has been in the news recently due to various controversies and events. Here are some of the latest news updates about him:

  1. Kidnapping and ransom demand: In August 2022, Bishop Ozubulu was kidnapped by unknown gunmen in Anambra State, Nigeria. His kidnappers demanded a ransom of N100 million (approximately $250,000) before releasing him.
  2. Release from captivity: After several days in captivity, Bishop Ozubulu was released by his kidnappers on August 24, 2022. He was reportedly freed after a ransom was paid, although the exact amount was not disclosed.
  3. Controversy over alleged involvement in kidnap: Following his release, there were allegations that Bishop Ozubulu was involved in the kidnapping of his own self. Some sources claimed that he had a hand in his own abduction to extort money from his church members.
  4. Denial of involvement: Bishop Ozubulu denied the allegations, stating that he was a victim of kidnapping and that he had nothing to do with his own abduction.
  5. Investigation by security agencies: The Nigerian police and other security agencies launched an investigation into the kidnapping and ransom demand. The investigation is ongoing, and no one has been arrested or charged in connection with the incident.
  6. Call for probe: The Catholic Bishops' Conference of Nigeria (CBCN) called for a thorough investigation into the kidnapping and ransom demand. The CBCN also expressed concern over the increasing cases of kidnapping and ransom demands in the country.
  7. Security concerns: The kidnapping of Bishop Ozubulu has raised concerns about the security of religious leaders and other prominent individuals in Nigeria. The incident has also highlighted the need for improved security measures to protect against kidnapping and other forms of violence.

These are some of the latest news updates about Bishop Ozubulu. The situation is still unfolding, and more information may become available as the investigation continues.