Bishop obinim news

Bishop Obinim is a Ghanaian pastor and founder of the International God's Way Church. He has been involved in several controversies over the years, and there have been many news stories about him. Here are some recent news stories about Bishop Obinim:

  1. Arrest and Detention: In 2018, Bishop Obinim was arrested and detained by the Ghana Police Service for allegedly assaulting a woman and her daughter. He was later granted bail and the case is still ongoing.
  2. Fake Miracles: In 2019, Bishop Obinim was accused of performing fake miracles and deceiving his followers. A former member of his church alleged that Obinim had promised to heal her of a terminal illness, but instead, he asked her for money and other favors.
  3. Financial Scandal: In 2020, Bishop Obinim was accused of embezzling funds meant for his church and using them for personal gain. The Ghanaian government launched an investigation into the allegations, but Obinim denied any wrongdoing.
  4. Controversial Statements: Bishop Obinim has made several controversial statements over the years, including saying that he is the reincarnation of Jesus Christ and that he has the power to heal and resurrect the dead. He has also been accused of making false prophecies and using his church as a means to enrich himself.
  5. Legal Battles: Bishop Obinim has been involved in several legal battles over the years, including a lawsuit filed by a former member of his church who alleged that Obinim had defrauded her of millions of cedis. Obinim has also been sued by the Ghanaian government for allegedly evading taxes.

Some recent news stories about Bishop Obinim include:

It's worth noting that Bishop Obinim has denied many of the allegations made against him and has maintained that he is a man of God who is dedicated to serving his followers. However, his controversial statements and actions have led to widespread criticism and skepticism about his motives and methods.