Bishop david oyedepo new books

Bishop David Oyedepo is a renowned Nigerian pastor, author, and founder of the Living Faith Church Worldwide. He has written many books on faith, spirituality, and personal development. Here are some of his recent books:

  1. "The Power of Koinonia" (2020) - This book explores the importance of fellowship and community in the Christian life.
  2. "The Power of the Sword" (2019) - In this book, Bishop Oyedepo shares insights on the power of prayer and the importance of using the sword of the Spirit to overcome challenges.
  3. "The Power of the Holy Ghost" (2018) - This book focuses on the role of the Holy Spirit in the life of a believer and how to tap into His power.
  4. "The Power of the Word" (2017) - Bishop Oyedepo emphasizes the importance of the Word of God in this book, highlighting its power to transform lives.
  5. "The Power of the Blood" (2016) - In this book, he explores the significance of the blood of Jesus Christ and its power to cleanse and redeem.
  6. "The Power of the Name" (2015) - This book delves into the importance of using the name of Jesus Christ and its power to overcome challenges.
  7. "The Power of the Anointing" (2014) - Bishop Oyedepo shares insights on the anointing of God and how to receive and operate in it.
  8. "The Power of the Covenant" (2013) - In this book, he explores the concept of covenant and its significance in the life of a believer.

Please note that this list may not be exhaustive, as Bishop Oyedepo is a prolific author and may have written more books since my knowledge cutoff. You can check his official website or online bookstores like Amazon for a more comprehensive list of his books.