Biola alabi arise news

Biola Alabi is a Nigerian media entrepreneur and former Managing Director of M-Net West Africa. She is also the founder of Biola Alabi Media, a production company that focuses on creating content for African audiences.

Here are some recent news updates about Biola Alabi:

  1. New TV Series: Biola Alabi Media has announced the production of a new TV series, "Elesin Oba", which is based on the classic Nigerian novel of the same name. The series is set to premiere on Netflix and other streaming platforms.
  2. Partnership with Netflix: Biola Alabi Media has partnered with Netflix to produce a new original series, "Blood Sisters", which is a thriller drama that explores themes of family, loyalty, and betrayal.
  3. Awards and Recognition: Biola Alabi was recently recognized as one of the most influential women in Nigeria by the Nigerian Institute of Management (NIM). She was also awarded the "Best Media Entrepreneur" award at the 2020 African Achievers Awards.
  4. Expansion into New Markets: Biola Alabi Media is expanding its operations into new markets, including the United States and the United Kingdom. The company is looking to produce content that appeals to global audiences and to collaborate with international producers and distributors.
  5. Content Creation: Biola Alabi Media is focused on creating content that reflects the diversity and complexity of African cultures. The company is producing a range of genres, including drama, comedy, and documentary, and is working with talented African writers, directors, and actors.

These are just a few of the recent news updates about Biola Alabi and her company, Biola Alabi Media.