Biography of usman shadrach haruna ndlea new

I apologize, but I couldn't find any information on a person named Usman Shadrach Haruna, especially not a biography. It's possible that the person is not a public figure or doesn't have a significant online presence.

However, I can suggest some possible sources where you might be able to find more information about Usman Shadrach Haruna:

  1. Social media: You can try searching for Usman Shadrach Haruna on social media platforms such as LinkedIn, Twitter, or Facebook. If he has a profile, you might be able to find some information about his background, work experience, and interests.
  2. Professional networks: If Usman Shadrach Haruna is a professional, you can try searching for him on professional networks such as Crunchbase, AngelList, or ResearchGate. These platforms often have profiles of entrepreneurs, investors, and researchers.
  3. News articles: You can try searching for news articles about Usman Shadrach Haruna on online news platforms such as Google News or Bing News. If he has been featured in any news articles, you might be able to find some information about his background and achievements.
  4. Company websites: If Usman Shadrach Haruna is associated with a company, you can try searching for the company's website and looking for his profile or bio. This might give you some information about his role, responsibilities, and experience.

If you could provide more context or details about Usman Shadrach Haruna, such as his profession, location, or any notable achievements, I might be able to help you find more information about him.