Biography of dominic yahaya gambo the new agwa atyap

I apologize, but I couldn't find any information on a person named Dominic Yahaya Gambo being the new Agwa Atyap. It's possible that the information you're looking for is not publicly available or that Dominic Yahaya Gambo is not a well-known public figure.

However, I can try to provide some general information about the Agwa Atyap and their traditional leadership structure.

The Agwa Atyap are an ethnic group living in Kaduna State, Nigeria. They are a subgroup of the Atyap people, who are predominantly farmers and herders. The Agwa Atyap have their own traditional leadership structure, with a paramount ruler known as the Agwa Atyap.

The Agwa Atyap is responsible for leading the Agwa Atyap community and making important decisions on their behalf. The Agwa Atyap is also responsible for maintaining peace and order within the community, as well as resolving disputes and conflicts.

If you're looking for information on the current Agwa Atyap, I would suggest contacting the Agwa Atyap community or the Kaduna State government directly. They may be able to provide you with more information on the current Agwa Atyap and their role in the community.

Alternatively, you can try searching online for news articles or reports on the Agwa Atyap and their leadership structure. You may also be able to find information on the Agwa Atyap through academic research or scholarly articles on the topic.

I hope this information is helpful.