Bio of new nigeria minister of power

I apologize, but I'm not aware of the latest information on the new Minister of Power in Nigeria. The Nigerian government is constantly changing, and it's possible that the Minister of Power has been replaced or updated since my knowledge cutoff.

However, I can suggest some possible sources where you can find the latest information on the current Minister of Power in Nigeria:

  1. Official Government Website: You can check the official website of the Federal Ministry of Power, Nigeria, or the website of the Nigerian Government, which may have the latest information on the current Minister of Power.
  2. News Websites: You can check reputable news websites that cover Nigerian news, such as Vanguard, Punch, or ThisDay, which may have articles or updates on the current Minister of Power.
  3. Social Media: You can also check the social media accounts of the Nigerian Government or the Ministry of Power, which may have updates on the current Minister of Power.

If you could provide me with more context or specify which Minister of Power you are looking for (e.g. the current one, or a specific one in the past), I'll do my best to provide you with the information you need.