Bingham university post utme de form 2019 2020 new courses

Bingham University is a private university located in Karu, Nasarawa State, Nigeria. Here are the details you requested:

Bingham University Post-UTME Form 2019/2020

The Post-UTME screening exercise for the 2019/2020 academic session has been announced. Here are the details:

New Courses Offered by Bingham University

Bingham University has introduced new courses for the 2019/2020 academic session. Here are the new courses:

  1. Bachelor of Science in Computer Science with Specialization in Artificial Intelligence
  2. Bachelor of Science in Cyber Security
  3. Bachelor of Science in Data Science
  4. Bachelor of Science in Environmental Management
  5. Bachelor of Science in Public Health
  6. Bachelor of Science in Statistics

Other Important Information

Please note that these details are subject to change, and I recommend verifying them with the university's website or contacting the university's admission office for confirmation.

I hope this information is helpful!