Bing news seach api for free

The Bing News Search API is a paid service offered by Microsoft, but there are some ways to access it for free or with limited usage. Here are a few options:

  1. Bing News Search API Free Tier: Microsoft offers a free tier for the Bing News Search API, which allows you to make up to 1,000 requests per day. This tier is suitable for small-scale projects or testing purposes. To sign up for the free tier, follow these steps:
    • Go to the Azure portal and create an account if you don't already have one.
    • Search for "Bing News Search API" in the Azure Marketplace and click on the result.
    • Click on the "Get" button and then click on the "Create" button.
    • Fill out the required information, including your name, email address, and password.
    • Click on the "Create" button to create your API account.
    • Once your account is created, you'll receive an API key, which you can use to access the Bing News Search API.
  2. Bing News Search API with a free Azure account: If you have a free Azure account, you can use the Bing News Search API with a limited number of requests per day. The free Azure account comes with 5 GB of storage and 1,000 requests per day for the Bing News Search API.
  3. Third-party APIs with free plans: There are several third-party APIs that offer Bing News Search functionality with free plans. Some examples include:
    • NewsAPI: Offers a free plan with 100 requests per day and 50 articles per day.
    • Google Custom Search API: Offers a free plan with 100 queries per day and 100 results per query.
    • Yandex News API: Offers a free plan with 100 requests per day and 10 articles per day.
  4. Open-source alternatives: If you're looking for an open-source alternative to the Bing News Search API, you can consider using a library like NewsScraper or NewsAPI. These libraries allow you to scrape news articles from various sources, including Bing News.

Keep in mind that while these options may offer some level of free access to the Bing News Search API, they may have limitations, such as the number of requests per day or the number of articles returned. If you need more advanced features or a higher volume of requests, you may need to consider a paid plan or an alternative API.