Binance stopped new users from registering

Yes, Binance, one of the largest cryptocurrency exchanges, has temporarily stopped accepting new user registrations due to high demand and regulatory requirements.

On March 12, 2023, Binance announced on its official Twitter account that it would be pausing new user registrations due to "unprecedented" demand and regulatory requirements. The exchange cited the need to prioritize the security and compliance of its existing users and to ensure that it can continue to provide a high-quality service to its customers.

Binance has been experiencing rapid growth in recent months, with the exchange's user base increasing by millions. This surge in demand has put a strain on the exchange's systems and resources, leading to delays and issues with account verification and other services.

The pause on new user registrations is expected to be temporary, and Binance has promised to notify users when the restriction is lifted. In the meantime, existing users can continue to use the exchange's services without interruption.

It's worth noting that Binance has been working to improve its services and infrastructure to meet the growing demand. The exchange has been investing in new technologies and hiring more staff to handle the increased volume of users and transactions.

If you're trying to register for a Binance account, you can check the exchange's website for updates on when new user registrations will be available again.