Bill to move police others to concurrent list passes second reading

It seems like you're referring to a recent development in Indian politics!

The "Bill to move police to concurrent list" is a proposed legislation that aims to amend the Constitution of India to shift the responsibility of policing from the State List to the Concurrent List. This means that the Centre and the States will have joint jurisdiction over policing, rather than the States having exclusive control over it.

The bill has now passed its second reading in the Lok Sabha (Lower House of the Indian Parliament), which is a significant milestone in the legislative process. This means that the bill will now be sent to the Rajya Sabha (Upper House) for further discussion and voting.

The move to shift policing to the concurrent list has been a long-standing demand of the Centre, which argues that it will help to improve coordination and cooperation between the Centre and the States in matters of law and order. However, the States have been opposed to the move, citing concerns about their autonomy and the potential for the Centre to interfere in their internal affairs.

The debate around this bill is likely to continue, and it remains to be seen whether it will ultimately become a law.