Bill on mismanagement of government fund scales first reading

You're referring to the Bill on Mismanagement of Government Funds (Scale of First Reading).

The Bill, if passed, aims to address the issue of mismanagement of government funds by introducing a new framework for accountability and transparency in the management of public funds. Here's a summary of the key provisions:


  1. To prevent and detect mismanagement of government funds.
  2. To ensure accountability and transparency in the management of public funds.
  3. To provide for the recovery of mismanaged funds.

Key Provisions:

  1. Definition of Mismanagement: The Bill defines mismanagement of government funds as the unauthorized use, conversion, or disposal of public funds, or the failure to account for such funds.
  2. Accountability: The Bill requires government officials to account for the use of public funds and to provide regular reports on the management of funds.
  3. Audit and Investigation: The Bill establishes an independent audit and investigation mechanism to detect and prevent mismanagement of government funds.
  4. Penalties: The Bill provides for penalties, including fines and imprisonment, for government officials found guilty of mismanaging government funds.
  5. Recovery of Mismanaged Funds: The Bill provides for the recovery of mismanaged funds, including the power to seize and confiscate assets acquired through mismanagement.
  6. Whistleblower Protection: The Bill provides protection for whistleblowers who report instances of mismanagement of government funds.
  7. Public Disclosure: The Bill requires the government to disclose information on the management of public funds, including financial statements and audit reports.

First Reading:

The Bill has been introduced for its first reading, which is the initial stage of the legislative process. The Bill will now be referred to a parliamentary committee for further review and debate.

Next Steps:

  1. The parliamentary committee will review the Bill and may make amendments or recommendations.
  2. The Bill will be debated and voted on in the parliament.
  3. If passed, the Bill will be sent to the President for assent.
  4. Once assented, the Bill will become an Act, and its provisions will come into effect.

Overall, the Bill aims to strengthen accountability and transparency in the management of government funds, which is essential for good governance and the effective use of public resources.