Bilal a new breed of hero subtitle

Here are some potential subtitles for a hero named Bilal:

  1. The Unyielding Guardian: This subtitle emphasizes Bilal's unwavering commitment to protecting others and his unshakeable resolve in the face of danger.
  2. The Unseen Avenger: This subtitle suggests that Bilal operates outside the law, using his skills and abilities to exact justice on those who have escaped punishment.
  3. The Unstoppable Force: This subtitle highlights Bilal's incredible strength, speed, and agility, implying that he is a formidable opponent who cannot be defeated.
  4. The Unwavering Defender: This subtitle emphasizes Bilal's dedication to defending the innocent and upholding justice, even in the face of overwhelming odds.
  5. The Unseen Hero: This subtitle implies that Bilal operates in the shadows, using his anonymity to his advantage as he works to protect the world from threats both human and supernatural.
  6. The Unrelenting Warrior: This subtitle suggests that Bilal is a fierce and unyielding fighter, always pushing forward in the face of adversity and never giving up.
  7. The Unconventional Champion: This subtitle implies that Bilal is a hero who operates outside the traditional boundaries of heroism, using unconventional methods and strategies to achieve his goals.
  8. The Unbreakable Spirit: This subtitle emphasizes Bilal's resilience and determination, suggesting that he is a hero who can overcome even the most daunting challenges.

Which of these subtitles do you think fits Bilal's character best?