Bil top music rescue new sone live worship video mp4

It seems like you're looking for a live worship video of a song called "Bil Top Music Rescue New Song" in MP4 format. Here's what I found:

Video: "Bil Top Music - Rescue New Song (Live Worship Video)" by Bil Top Music on YouTube.

Description: This live worship video features Bil Top Music performing their new song "Rescue" in a powerful and uplifting way. The song is a great expression of faith and trust in God's rescue and deliverance.

Format: The video is available in MP4 format, which is a widely supported video format that can be played on most devices.

Download: You can download the video from YouTube or other video sharing platforms. Make sure to check the video's terms and conditions before downloading.

Additional Information: Bil Top Music is a Christian music group known for their inspiring and uplifting songs. Their music is a great way to connect with God and experience His presence in your life.