Biggest news agencies

Here are some of the biggest and most well-known news agencies in the world:

  1. Associated Press (AP): An American non-profit news cooperative that provides news to over 15,000 news organizations worldwide.
  2. Reuters: A British news agency that provides news coverage to over 2,500 news organizations worldwide.
  3. Agence France-Presse (AFP): A French news agency that provides news coverage to over 2,000 news organizations worldwide.
  4. Agence Havas: A French news agency that provides news coverage to over 1,000 news organizations worldwide.
  5. Xinhua News Agency: A Chinese state-owned news agency that provides news coverage to over 1,000 news organizations worldwide.
  6. Press Trust of India (PTI): An Indian news agency that provides news coverage to over 500 news organizations worldwide.
  7. Dow Jones & Company: An American news agency that provides news coverage to over 400 news organizations worldwide, including The Wall Street Journal.
  8. Bloomberg News: An American news agency that provides news coverage to over 300 news organizations worldwide, including Bloomberg LP.
  9. The New York Times News Service: An American news agency that provides news coverage to over 200 news organizations worldwide.
  10. The Washington Post News Service: An American news agency that provides news coverage to over 150 news organizations worldwide.

These news agencies are often referred to as "wire services" because they distribute news stories to their subscribers through wire services, such as telegraph or internet. They are also known for their extensive networks of correspondents and reporters around the world, which allows them to provide breaking news coverage and in-depth reporting on a wide range of topics.

It's worth noting that the boundaries between news agencies and traditional news organizations are often blurred, and many news agencies have their own websites and social media channels where they publish their news stories directly to the public.