Big invid fake news debunker

You're referring to the infamous "Invid" video that went viral on social media, claiming to show a massive, alien-like creature being captured in the Philippines. The video was widely shared and sparked a lot of interest, but unfortunately, it was later debunked as a hoax.

Here are some reasons why the video was fake:

  1. Poor production quality: The video was shot in a low-quality, shaky manner, which is unusual for a supposed "breaking news" footage.
  2. Lack of credible sources: The video was uploaded to YouTube without any credible sources or news organizations verifying the authenticity of the footage.
  3. Inconsistencies: The video showed the creature being captured and transported in a way that was physically impossible, with no explanation of how it was achieved.
  4. Faked reactions: The people in the video, supposedly government officials and scientists, seemed overly excited and dramatic, which is unusual for professionals in such situations.
  5. No follow-up coverage: Despite the initial hype, there was no follow-up coverage or updates from reputable news sources, which is unusual for a story of this magnitude.

The debunking of the "Invid" video was done by various fact-checking websites, including Snopes,, and The Verge, among others. They analyzed the video and found it to be a clear case of misinformation.

It's always important to be cautious when consuming information online, especially when it comes to sensational or extraordinary claims. Always verify the credibility of the sources and look for corroboration from multiple sources before accepting something as true.