Big brother naija season 7 audition 2022 bigbrothernaija bbnaija bbn

Exciting news for all Big Brother Naija fans!

The audition for Big Brother Naija Season 7 (BBNaija) has been announced for 2022. Here are the details:

Audition Dates:

How to Audition:

  1. Online Audition: Fill out the online application form on the Big Brother Naija website ( and upload a 3-minute video showcasing your personality, talent, and why you should be on the show.
  2. Physical Audition: Attend one of the physical audition locations (to be announced) with your ID, passport, and a 3-minute video showcasing your personality, talent, and why you should be on the show.




Stay tuned for more updates on the audition process and the show itself!