Bibliographyon new testament studies pdf

Here is a list of some important and influential books on New Testament studies in PDF format:

Introduction to New Testament Studies

  1. "An Introduction to the New Testament" by D.A. Carson and Douglas J. Moo (PDF available on
  2. "The New Testament: A Historical Introduction to the Early Christian Writings" by Bart D. Ehrman (PDF available on Google Books)

Historical Jesus

  1. "The Historical Jesus: The Life of a Mediterranean Jewish Peasant" by John Dominic Crossan (PDF available on Google Books)
  2. "Jesus: A Revolutionary Biography" by John Dominic Crossan (PDF available on Google Books)
  3. "The Jesus of History" by John P. Meier (PDF available on

Pauline Studies

  1. "Paul: A Biography" by N.T. Wright (PDF available on Google Books)
  2. "The Epistles of Paul in Their Ancient Context" by N.T. Wright (PDF available on
  3. "Paul and the Law" by E.P. Sanders (PDF available on

Synoptic Gospels

  1. "The Synoptic Gospels: An Introduction" by R.T. France (PDF available on
  2. "The Gospel of Mark: A Commentary" by R.T. France (PDF available on
  3. "The Gospel of Matthew: A Commentary" by R.V.G. Tasker (PDF available on

John's Gospel

  1. "The Gospel of John: A Commentary" by R.E. Brown (PDF available on
  2. "The Gospel of John: A Study Guide" by D.A. Carson (PDF available on

Acts and Epistles

  1. "The Acts of the Apostles: A Commentary" by F.F. Bruce (PDF available on
  2. "The Epistles of James, Peter, and Jude: A Commentary" by R.V.G. Tasker (PDF available on

New Testament Theology

  1. "The Theology of the New Testament" by George Ladd (PDF available on
  2. "The New Testament: A Theological Introduction" by G.K. Beale and D.A. Carson (PDF available on

New Testament and Early Christianity

  1. "The Early Christian Church" by Henry Chadwick (PDF available on Google Books)
  2. "The Rise of Christianity: How the Obscure, Marginal Jesus Movement Became the Dominant Force in the Western World" by Rodney Stark (PDF available on Google Books)

Please note that some of these PDFs may be available only for academic or personal use, and may not be suitable for commercial purposes. Additionally, some of these books may be available in full-text online, but not in PDF format.