Biblical theology old and new testaments pdf

Here are some popular and influential books on biblical theology that cover both the Old and New Testaments:

Old Testament Biblical Theology

  1. "A Biblical Theology of the Old Testament" by John H. Sailhamer (PDF available online) This book provides a comprehensive overview of the Old Testament's theological themes and structures.
  2. "The Theology of the Old Testament" by Gerhard von Rad (PDF available online) A classic work that explores the theological themes and motifs of the Old Testament.
  3. "Old Testament Theology: An Exegetical, Canonical, and Thematic Approach" by Walter Brueggemann (PDF available online) A thorough and engaging treatment of Old Testament theology, covering both the historical and canonical contexts.

New Testament Biblical Theology

  1. "The Theology of the New Testament" by George Ladd (PDF available online) A classic work that explores the theological themes and motifs of the New Testament.
  2. "New Testament Theology: Magnificent Obsession" by Thomas R. Schreiner (PDF available online) A comprehensive and engaging treatment of New Testament theology, covering both the historical and canonical contexts.
  3. "Biblical Theology of the New Testament" by G.K. Beale (PDF available online) A thorough and insightful treatment of New Testament theology, focusing on the relationship between the Old and New Testaments.

Biblical Theology of the Whole Bible

  1. "A Biblical Theology of the Old and New Testaments" by Roy B. Zuck (PDF available online) A comprehensive and accessible treatment of biblical theology, covering both the Old and New Testaments.
  2. "The Bible's Big Story: Salvation History, Christology, and Eschatology" by Graeme Goldsworthy (PDF available online) A thorough and engaging treatment of biblical theology, focusing on the narrative structure of the Bible.
  3. "Biblical Theology: The Word of God for All of Life" by Mark L. Strauss (PDF available online) A comprehensive and accessible treatment of biblical theology, covering both the Old and New Testaments and emphasizing the relevance of biblical theology for everyday life.

Please note that some of these books may be available in PDF format online, but you may need to search for them or check with your local library or academic institution for access.