Bible verse there is nothing new under the sun

The Bible verse you're referring to is:

"What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; and there is nothing new under the sun." - Ecclesiastes 1:9 (NIV)

This verse is part of the book of Ecclesiastes, which is a wisdom book in the Old Testament. The author, King Solomon, is reflecting on the fleeting nature of human existence and the cyclical nature of life.

In this verse, Solomon is saying that everything that has happened before will happen again, and that there is nothing truly new or original under the sun. This can be interpreted in a few ways:

  1. The cyclical nature of history: Solomon may be suggesting that human history is cyclical, with events repeating themselves over time. This can be seen in the way that human societies and cultures rise and fall, with similar patterns and mistakes being repeated.
  2. The limitations of human creativity: Solomon may be saying that human creativity and innovation are ultimately limited, and that we are only able to create new things by building upon what has come before. This can be seen in the way that art, music, and literature often draw upon earlier works and influences.
  3. The futility of seeking novelty: Solomon may be warning against the futility of seeking novelty and excitement in life. He may be suggesting that the pursuit of new and exciting things is ultimately unsatisfying, and that true fulfillment comes from living in harmony with the natural order of things.

Overall, this verse is a reminder of the limitations and cyclical nature of human existence, and the importance of living in harmony with the natural order of things.