Bible study on new creation

What a wonderful topic! Here's a Bible study on the New Creation:


The Bible teaches that God created the world and everything in it (Genesis 1:1-31). However, due to sin, the world and humanity are now under a curse (Genesis 3:14-19). But God has a plan to redeem and restore creation, and this is the concept of the New Creation.


Discussion Questions

  1. What does it mean to be a "new creation" in Christ? How does this relate to our old selves?
  2. How does the concept of the New Creation relate to the idea of redemption and restoration?
  3. What does the New Creation look like in Revelation 21:1-5? What are some of the key characteristics of this new world?
  4. How does Colossians 1:15-20 describe the relationship between Christ and creation? What does this say about the purpose of Christ's work on the cross?
  5. How can we live as if we are already in the New Creation, even though we are still in this old world?

Practical Application

  1. Reflect on your own life and how you have been transformed by Christ. How has your old self been replaced by a new self?
  2. Pray for the world and for the people in it, asking God to bring about the New Creation and to restore all things to Himself.
  3. Consider how you can live in a way that reflects the characteristics of the New Creation, such as living in harmony with others, showing kindness and compassion, and seeking to bring peace and reconciliation.
  4. Ask God to help you see the world through the lens of the New Creation, and to give you a vision for the kind of world He desires to bring about.


The New Creation is a beautiful and powerful concept that reminds us of God's plan to redeem and restore all things to Himself. As we study this topic, may we be encouraged to live in a way that reflects the characteristics of the New Creation, and may we pray for the world and for the people in it, asking God to bring about the New Creation and to restore all things to Himself.