Bible quize from the new testament pdf

Here's a Bible quiz from the New Testament in PDF format:

New Testament Bible Quiz

Instructions: Answer the questions based on the New Testament of the Bible. You can use a Bible or online resources to help you answer the questions.


Section 1: Life of Jesus

  1. Who was Jesus' mother? a) Mary b) Elizabeth c) Anna d) Jochebed

Answer: a) Mary

  1. What was Jesus' occupation before he began his ministry? a) Carpenter b) Fisherman c) Teacher d) Priest

Answer: a) Carpenter

  1. Who was Jesus' first disciple? a) Peter b) Andrew c) John d) Philip

Answer: b) Andrew

Section 2: Teachings of Jesus

  1. What is the greatest commandment according to Jesus? a) Love the Lord your God with all your heart b) Love your neighbor as yourself c) Keep the Sabbath holy d) Give to the poor

Answer: a) Love the Lord your God with all your heart

  1. What did Jesus say was the key to eternal life? a) Keeping the law b) Believing in God c) Loving your neighbor d) Believing in Jesus

Answer: d) Believing in Jesus

  1. What did Jesus teach about prayer? a) Pray loudly and often b) Pray quietly and humbly c) Pray only to God d) Pray only to the angels

Answer: b) Pray quietly and humbly

Section 3: Ministry of Jesus

  1. What was the purpose of Jesus' ministry? a) To establish a new church b) To perform miracles and heal the sick c) To teach about God's love d) To condemn the Pharisees

Answer: b) To perform miracles and heal the sick

  1. Who did Jesus heal from a demon-possessed man? a) Peter b) John c) Matthew d) The man's family

Answer: d) The man's family

  1. What did Jesus say was the greatest miracle he performed? a) Raising Lazarus from the dead b) Feeding the 5,000 c) Healing the blind man d) Walking on water

Answer: a) Raising Lazarus from the dead

Section 4: Death and Resurrection of Jesus

  1. Who betrayed Jesus? a) Peter b) Judas Iscariot c) Thomas d) Matthew

Answer: b) Judas Iscariot

  1. What did Jesus say would happen to him after his death? a) He would be buried and forgotten b) He would be resurrected on the third day c) He would be taken to heaven immediately d) He would be punished by God

Answer: b) He would be resurrected on the third day

  1. Who was the first person to see Jesus after his resurrection? a) Mary Magdalene b) Peter c) John d) Thomas

Answer: a) Mary Magdalene

Section 5: Early Church

  1. Who was the first apostle to be called by Jesus? a) Peter b) Andrew c) John d) Philip

Answer: a) Peter

  1. What was the result of the Holy Spirit coming upon the disciples on the day of Pentecost? a) They were filled with fear b) They were filled with joy c) They were able to speak in tongues d) They were able to perform miracles

Answer: c) They were able to speak in tongues

  1. Who was the first Christian martyr? a) Stephen b) Peter c) Paul d) John

Answer: a) Stephen


Note: This quiz is meant to be a fun and educational tool. It is not a comprehensive test of biblical knowledge, and answers may vary depending on individual interpretations and traditions.