Bible quiz questions from new testament

Here are some Bible quiz questions from the New Testament:

  1. Who was the first apostle to be called by Jesus? a) Peter b) Andrew c) John d) Matthew

Answer: b) Andrew

  1. Which city was the center of Jesus' ministry? a) Jerusalem b) Capernaum c) Nazareth d) Bethlehem

Answer: b) Capernaum

  1. Who was the Roman governor who sentenced Jesus to death? a) Pontius Pilate b) Herod Antipas c) Caiaphas d) Annas

Answer: a) Pontius Pilate

  1. Who was the first person to see Jesus after his resurrection? a) Mary Magdalene b) Peter c) John d) Thomas

Answer: a) Mary Magdalene

  1. Which book of the New Testament is often referred to as the "Gospel of Love"? a) Matthew b) Mark c) Luke d) 1 John

Answer: d) 1 John

  1. Who was the leader of the early Christian church in Jerusalem? a) Peter b) James c) John d) Stephen

Answer: b) James

  1. Which city was the site of the first Christian church? a) Jerusalem b) Antioch c) Corinth d) Ephesus

Answer: a) Jerusalem

  1. Who was the apostle who wrote the book of Hebrews? a) Paul b) Peter c) James d) Jude

Answer: a) Paul (although some scholars debate this)

  1. Which event marked the beginning of Jesus' public ministry? a) His baptism b) His temptation in the wilderness c) His transfiguration d) His crucifixion

Answer: a) His baptism

  1. Who was the Roman centurion who was impressed by Jesus' faith? a) Cornelius b) Matthew c) Luke d) Peter

Answer: a) Cornelius

  1. Which city was the site of the apostle Paul's imprisonment and writing of several epistles? a) Rome b) Corinth c) Ephesus d) Philippi

Answer: a) Rome

  1. Who was the apostle who was beheaded by Herod Agrippa I? a) James b) Peter c) John d) Stephen

Answer: a) James

  1. Which book of the New Testament is often referred to as the "Gospel of Action"? a) Matthew b) Mark c) Luke d) Acts

Answer: d) Acts

  1. Who was the Pharisee who invited Jesus to dinner and was criticized for not washing his hands before eating? a) Nicodemus b) Joseph of Arimathea c) Simon the Pharisee d) Zacchaeus

Answer: c) Simon the Pharisee

  1. Which city was the site of the apostle Paul's "thorn in the flesh"? a) Corinth b) Ephesus c) Philippi d) Thessalonica

Answer: a) Corinth

I hope these questions are helpful!