Bible news 2018

Here are some significant Bible-related news stories from 2018:

  1. Discovery of the oldest known Bible manuscript: In February 2018, a team of researchers announced the discovery of the oldest known Bible manuscript, the "Codex Climaci Rescriptus," which dates back to the 5th century.
  2. New Testament manuscript found in Turkey: In June 2018, archaeologists announced the discovery of a previously unknown New Testament manuscript in the ancient city of Hierapolis, Turkey.
  3. Bible translation milestone: In August 2018, the United Bible Societies celebrated the completion of the 6,000th Bible translation, marking a significant milestone in the organization's 200-year history.
  4. New Bible translation for the Deaf: In September 2018, the American Bible Society launched a new Bible translation specifically designed for the Deaf community, featuring sign language illustrations and Braille text.
  5. Bible sales surge in the US: According to a report by the Association of American Publishers, Bible sales in the US increased by 10% in 2018, with many publishers reporting strong sales of study Bibles and devotionals.
  6. Christian persecution on the rise: In 2018, Open Doors USA reported that Christian persecution had increased globally, with 245 million Christians facing high levels of persecution and 1,207 Christians killed for their faith.
  7. Bible-themed movies and TV shows: In 2018, several Bible-themed movies and TV shows were released, including "Mary Magdalene," "Paul, Apostle of Christ," and "The Chosen," a popular TV series about the life of Jesus.
  8. Bible app updates: Several Bible apps, including YouVersion and Olive Tree, released significant updates in 2018, featuring new features, designs, and translations.
  9. Bible study resources for women: In 2018, several organizations and authors released new Bible study resources specifically designed for women, including "The Gospel Coalition's" "Women's Bible Study" series and "Lysa TerKeurst's" "It's Not Supposed to Be This Way" study.
  10. Bible-themed art and music: In 2018, several artists and musicians released Bible-themed art and music, including "The Bible Project's" animated videos and "For King & Country's" "Burn the Ships" album, which features a song inspired by the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego.

These are just a few of the many significant Bible-related news stories from 2018.