Bial foundation launch new nobel style award in biomedicine

That's exciting news! The Bial Foundation, a renowned organization in the field of biomedicine, has launched a new Nobel-style award to recognize outstanding contributions in the field. Here's a summary of the new award:

Award Name: Bial Foundation Award in Biomedicine

Purpose: The Bial Foundation Award in Biomedicine aims to recognize and reward outstanding scientific achievements in the field of biomedicine, with a focus on innovative research that has the potential to improve human health and well-being.

Eligibility: The award is open to researchers from around the world who have made significant contributions to the field of biomedicine, including but not limited to:

Selection Criteria: The selection committee will consider the following criteria when evaluating nominations:

Prize: The Bial Foundation Award in Biomedicine will consist of a cash prize of €500,000 (approximately $550,000 USD) and a medal. The award will be presented annually at a ceremony in Lisbon, Portugal.

Timeline: The call for nominations is typically open from January to March, with the selection committee reviewing nominations and selecting the winner in the spring. The award ceremony usually takes place in the fall.

Previous Winners: The Bial Foundation has a long history of recognizing outstanding scientific achievements in biomedicine. Past winners of the Bial Foundation Award in Biomedicine include renowned researchers such as Dr. Elizabeth Blackburn, Dr. Carol Greider, and Dr. Craig Mello.

Impact: The Bial Foundation Award in Biomedicine is expected to have a significant impact on the field of biomedicine, recognizing and rewarding outstanding research that has the potential to improve human health and well-being. The award will also provide a platform for researchers to share their work and inspire future generations of scientists.