Biafra news from uk parliament

You're looking for news related to Biafra from the UK Parliament. Here are some recent updates:

Recent Debates and Questions

  1. Biafra: Humanitarian Crisis (22 January 2020)

During a debate in the House of Commons, MPs expressed concerns about the humanitarian crisis in Biafra, particularly the impact of the Nigerian government's military operations on civilians. The debate was initiated by the Labour MP, Kate Osamor.

  1. Biafra: Human Rights Abuses (15 October 2019)

The Conservative MP, Neil O'Brien, raised concerns about human rights abuses in Biafra during a debate on human rights in Nigeria. He called on the Nigerian government to respect the rights of the Biafran people and to investigate allegations of abuse.

Recent Questions

  1. Biafra: UK Support for Humanitarian Efforts (12 February 2020)

The Labour MP, Kate Osamor, asked the UK Foreign Secretary, Dominic Raab, about the UK's support for humanitarian efforts in Biafra. The Secretary of State replied that the UK was providing humanitarian assistance to affected areas and was working with international partners to address the crisis.

  1. Biafra: Nigerian Government's Response (15 October 2019)

The Conservative MP, Neil O'Brien, asked the UK Foreign Secretary, Jeremy Hunt, about the Nigerian government's response to the humanitarian crisis in Biafra. The Secretary of State replied that the UK was engaging with the Nigerian government to encourage a more effective response to the crisis.

Recent Statements

  1. Biafra: UK Concerns (22 January 2020)

The UK Foreign Office issued a statement expressing concerns about the humanitarian crisis in Biafra and calling on the Nigerian government to respect the rights of the Biafran people.

  1. Biafra: Humanitarian Assistance (12 February 2020)

The UK Department for International Development (DFID) issued a statement announcing additional humanitarian assistance to support those affected by the crisis in Biafra.

Please note that these updates are subject to change and may not reflect the current situation. For the most up-to-date information, I recommend checking the official websites of the UK Parliament, the UK Foreign Office, and the DFID.