Biafra new york times

The Biafran War and its aftermath have been covered extensively by The New York Times over the years. Here are some notable articles and editorials:

  1. "Nigeria's Civil War: A Nation Divided" (July 1967) - This article provides an overview of the conflict and its causes, including the secession of Biafra from Nigeria.
  2. "Biafra's Struggle for Independence" (August 1967) - This article discusses the Biafran government's efforts to establish independence and its relations with foreign powers.
  3. "Nigeria's War: A Humanitarian Crisis" (September 1968) - This article highlights the humanitarian crisis caused by the war, including the displacement of millions of people and the spread of disease.
  4. "Biafra's Economy in Shambles" (October 1968) - This article discusses the economic challenges faced by Biafra, including a lack of resources and international sanctions.
  5. "Nigeria's War: A Military Stalemate" (November 1968) - This article reports on the military situation, including the stalemate between the Nigerian and Biafran armies.
  6. "Biafra's People Suffer as War Drags On" (December 1968) - This article focuses on the human cost of the war, including the suffering of civilians and the lack of access to basic necessities like food and medicine.
  7. "Nigeria's War: A Diplomatic Effort" (January 1969) - This article discusses the diplomatic efforts to end the war, including the role of international organizations and foreign governments.
  8. "Biafra's Leader, Ojukwu, Flees" (January 1970) - This article reports on the flight of Biafran leader Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu from Biafra to the Ivory Coast.
  9. "Nigeria's War: A Ceasefire" (January 1970) - This article announces the ceasefire agreement between Nigeria and Biafra, which marked the end of the war.
  10. "Biafra's Aftermath: A Nation Rebuilds" (February 1970) - This article discusses the challenges faced by Nigeria in rebuilding and reunifying the country after the war.

Some notable editorials and op-eds published by The New York Times during this period include:

  1. "Nigeria's Civil War: A Tragedy" (July 1967) - This editorial laments the outbreak of war and calls for a peaceful resolution.
  2. "Biafra's Plight" (August 1967) - This editorial highlights the humanitarian crisis in Biafra and calls for international action to alleviate the suffering.
  3. "Nigeria's War: A Moral Crisis" (September 1968) - This editorial discusses the moral implications of the war and the need for Nigeria to prioritize the welfare of its citizens.
  4. "Biafra's Economy: A Recipe for Disaster" (October 1968) - This editorial critiques the economic policies of the Biafran government and warns of the dangers of economic isolationism.
  5. "Nigeria's War: A Diplomatic Failure" (November 1968) - This editorial criticizes the diplomatic efforts to end the war and calls for a more effective approach.

These articles and editorials provide a glimpse into the coverage of the Biafran War and its aftermath by The New York Times.