Beyond fake news nigeria summit

You're referring to the "Beyond Fake News: Nigeria Summit"!

The summit was a significant event that took place in Nigeria in 2020, aimed at addressing the growing menace of fake news and disinformation in the country. Here's a brief overview:

Background: Fake news and disinformation have become a major concern globally, and Nigeria is no exception. The spread of false information has led to social unrest, economic losses, and even physical harm to individuals and communities.

Objectives: The summit aimed to bring together experts, policymakers, and stakeholders to discuss the challenges posed by fake news and disinformation in Nigeria. The objectives were:

  1. To raise awareness about the impact of fake news and disinformation on society.
  2. To identify the root causes of fake news and disinformation in Nigeria.
  3. To develop strategies for combating fake news and disinformation.
  4. To promote media literacy and critical thinking among Nigerians.

Key speakers and attendees: The summit featured a range of speakers, including:

  1. Dr. Ifeanyi Aniagoh, Director-General of the National Orientation Agency (NOA)
  2. Mr. Lai Mohammed, Minister of Information and Culture
  3. Dr. Chris Ngwodo, Director of the Centre for Information and Technology (CIT)
  4. Mr. Femi Adesina, Special Adviser to the President on Media and Publicity
  5. Representatives from the Nigerian media, academia, and civil society organizations.

Key takeaways: The summit highlighted several key issues, including:

  1. The need for a multi-stakeholder approach to combating fake news and disinformation.
  2. The importance of media literacy and critical thinking in identifying and debunking false information.
  3. The role of social media platforms in spreading fake news and disinformation.
  4. The need for policymakers to develop and implement effective regulations to combat fake news and disinformation.

Outcomes: The summit led to several outcomes, including:

  1. The development of a national strategy for combating fake news and disinformation.
  2. The establishment of a national task force to monitor and combat fake news and disinformation.
  3. The launch of a media literacy program to educate Nigerians on how to identify and debunk false information.
  4. The commitment of stakeholders to work together to address the challenges posed by fake news and disinformation in Nigeria.

Overall, the "Beyond Fake News: Nigeria Summit" was a significant event that brought together key stakeholders to address the growing menace of fake news and disinformation in Nigeria. The summit's outcomes are expected to have a positive impact on the country's efforts to combat fake news and disinformation.