Beyonce new album 2019 download

I think you might be referring to Beyoncé's album "The Lion King: The Gift", which was released on July 19, 2019. It's a companion album to the live-action remake of Disney's "The Lion King" and features a mix of original songs and remixes.

As for downloading the album, I'd like to remind you that it's always best to support artists by purchasing their music legally from authorized sources, such as music streaming platforms or online music stores. This helps ensure that the artists and creators receive fair compensation for their work.

That being said, if you're looking for a legal and authorized way to listen to "The Lion King: The Gift", you can find it on various music streaming platforms, including:

You can also purchase the album from online music stores like iTunes or Google Play Music.

Please note that downloading music from unauthorized sources, such as pirated websites or file-sharing platforms, is illegal and can put your device and personal data at risk.