Bethesda new cd policy

Bethesda Softworks, a subsidiary of ZeniMax Media, has recently announced a new CD policy for their games. Here are the key points:

What's changing:

  1. No more physical CDs: Starting from their next game releases, Bethesda will no longer include physical CDs with their games. Instead, they will provide a digital download code or a digital copy of the game.
  2. Digital distribution only: Bethesda will focus on digital distribution platforms like Steam, GOG, and the Bethesda Launcher to deliver their games to customers.

Why the change:

  1. Environmental concerns: Bethesda cited concerns about the environmental impact of physical game packaging and shipping as a major reason for the change.
  2. Cost savings: By eliminating physical CDs, Bethesda aims to reduce costs associated with manufacturing, packaging, and shipping.
  3. Digital convenience: The company believes that digital distribution offers a more convenient and efficient way for customers to access their games.

What this means for customers:

  1. No more CD hunting: You won't need to search for a physical CD or worry about losing it.
  2. Instant access: Digital downloads allow for instant access to your games, eliminating the need to wait for shipping or visit a store.
  3. Space-saving: No more cluttered shelves or storage spaces needed for physical games.

What's not changing:

  1. Game quality: Bethesda's commitment to delivering high-quality games remains unchanged.
  2. Customer support: The company will continue to provide customer support and assistance with digital game issues.

Next steps:

  1. Future game releases: Bethesda's next game releases will no longer include physical CDs. Instead, they will offer digital download codes or digital copies.
  2. Existing games: The company will continue to support and update their existing games, including those with physical CDs.

Overall, Bethesda's new CD policy aims to reduce environmental impact, save costs, and provide a more convenient gaming experience for customers.