Bestino latest news 2017

Bestino is a company that specializes in providing innovative and sustainable solutions for the construction industry. Here are some of the latest news and updates from Bestino in 2017:

  1. Launch of new product line: In January 2017, Bestino launched a new line of sustainable building materials, including a range of eco-friendly insulation products and sustainable roofing solutions.
  2. Partnership with major construction company: In February 2017, Bestino announced a partnership with a major construction company to provide sustainable building solutions for a large-scale residential project in the United States.
  3. Award for innovation: In March 2017, Bestino was awarded the "Innovation in Building Materials" award at the annual Construction Industry Awards for its innovative approach to sustainable building solutions.
  4. Expansion into new markets: In April 2017, Bestino announced its expansion into new markets, including the Middle East and Asia, to meet growing demand for sustainable building solutions.
  5. New manufacturing facility: In May 2017, Bestino opened a new manufacturing facility in Europe to increase production capacity and meet growing demand for its products.
  6. Sustainability report: In June 2017, Bestino released its first sustainability report, highlighting its commitment to reducing its environmental impact and promoting sustainable practices throughout its operations.
  7. Partnership with research institution: In July 2017, Bestino partnered with a leading research institution to develop new sustainable building materials and technologies.
  8. Awards and recognition: In August 2017, Bestino received several awards and recognition for its innovative products and sustainable practices, including the "Sustainable Building Product of the Year" award.
  9. Expansion of product range: In September 2017, Bestino expanded its product range to include new sustainable building solutions, including a range of eco-friendly paints and coatings.
  10. Year-end review: In December 2017, Bestino released its year-end review, highlighting its achievements and progress towards its sustainability goals.

These are just a few of the latest news and updates from Bestino in 2017. The company continues to innovate and expand its product range, with a focus on sustainability and environmental responsibility.