Best wordpress news names

Here are some suggestions for WordPress news site names:

  1. Newsphere: A play on the word "sphere" to convey a sense of comprehensive coverage.
  2. WP Wire: A nod to the traditional wire services, with a WordPress twist.
  3. The WordPress Times: A classic name that evokes a sense of authority and reliability.
  4. Newsbytes: A catchy name that suggests bite-sized, easily digestible news.
  5. The WordPress Post: A simple, straightforward name that gets the point across.
  6. WP News Network: A name that implies a network of sources and a wide reach.
  7. The Daily Dose: A fun, lighthearted name that suggests a daily serving of news.
  8. WordPress Watch: A name that implies constant vigilance and attention to the latest developments.
  9. The WordPress Journal: A name that suggests a more in-depth, journalistic approach.
  10. Newsflash WP: A name that implies speed and urgency, with a WordPress twist.
  11. The WordPress Chronicle: A name that suggests a historical, comprehensive approach to news coverage.
  12. WP News Hub: A name that implies a central gathering place for WordPress news and information.
  13. The WordPress Scoop: A name that suggests exclusive, insider information.
  14. Newsbytes WP: A variation on the "Newsbytes" name, with a WordPress twist.
  15. The WordPress Report: A name that implies a thorough, detailed approach to news coverage.
  16. WP News Today: A name that suggests up-to-the-minute coverage of the latest WordPress news.
  17. The WordPress Gazette: A name that suggests a more traditional, print-style approach to news coverage.
  18. Newsflash WP: A name that implies speed and urgency, with a WordPress twist.
  19. The WordPress Insider: A name that suggests exclusive, behind-the-scenes information.
  20. WP News Central: A name that implies a central, authoritative source for WordPress news.

Remember to choose a name that reflects your brand's tone, style, and values, and that is easy for your target audience to remember and spell. Good luck with your WordPress news site!